~ About Us ~
We are dedicated to Unity, Love and Co-Creation at every level so that we may bring through the fullest expression of our Being. We offer ourselves in Service to humanity along with all expressions of life.
I AM Shivrael, and I am so happy you have found it here to this site, and I am a contributor of creator in this network as are you. Your contribution is your existence. All of creation is threaded in together in a net of light, each individual is a jewel in the web. We are all connected and I am honored to be connected to each person reading these pages. Together we light up the world. I am here to bring my light to this earth as you are. I believe we are each unique pieces of a giant puzzle, and we are also one being. Many drops of us make up an ocean and let that ocean become a tsunami of love on planet earth.
Why I am here:
I am here to raise the frequency of the world through sharing of multidimensional awareness. I am here to assist in creating community for the New Earth, for Mt.Shasta, with the purpose of raising consciousness and healing. I do this through writing, akashic reading, hypnosis, and some events that I offer. My upcoming book is Wake Up and Be Happy: Expand Your Multidimensional Awareness which is to be released in 2021.
Thus I have created Mt.Shasta City of Light which is not about me as an individual but as an initiative to co-create with those in resonance with the new earth.
My other website is AkashicIntuive.com where you can read my blog with musings on 5D and energy updates from the Akashic Records. A new update comes out on or around each New Moon. If you are interested in massage, check out my other offerings over at Https://www.ThaiBodyworker.com .
Thank you so much,
Shivrael Shannon Brophy
I wish to give credit to original founders of this site who are Sri Mati and Robert C. They helped bring the content and the vision together for creating this website. Thank you from my heart to yours!
Why I am here:
I am here to raise the frequency of the world through sharing of multidimensional awareness. I am here to assist in creating community for the New Earth, for Mt.Shasta, with the purpose of raising consciousness and healing. I do this through writing, akashic reading, hypnosis, and some events that I offer. My upcoming book is Wake Up and Be Happy: Expand Your Multidimensional Awareness which is to be released in 2021.
Thus I have created Mt.Shasta City of Light which is not about me as an individual but as an initiative to co-create with those in resonance with the new earth.
My other website is AkashicIntuive.com where you can read my blog with musings on 5D and energy updates from the Akashic Records. A new update comes out on or around each New Moon. If you are interested in massage, check out my other offerings over at Https://www.ThaiBodyworker.com .
Thank you so much,
Shivrael Shannon Brophy
I wish to give credit to original founders of this site who are Sri Mati and Robert C. They helped bring the content and the vision together for creating this website. Thank you from my heart to yours!